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The Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center (TAEC) provides a centralized, supportive academic community that empowers students to enhance their learning and growth.
Available to all undergraduates, the TAEC offers a range of support services including: drop-in math, science, language and writing support, math and writing appointments, supplemental instruction study groups, peer academic coaching, individual learning consultations, study skills courses, and preparation for graduate school entrance exams.
These academic resources are instrumental in helping students fill in subject and skill gaps, strengthen performance in critical coursework, and make solid progress towards achieving their educational goals and timely graduation.
Math Tutoring
TAEC contacts with students accessing math tutoring grew by 22 percent, compared to the 2022-23 academic year.
This significant growth was achieved through expanded 1-on-1 math tutoring appointments and newly developed biweekly sessions, led by peer tutors, for students enrolled in 100- and 200-level math courses.
- Math tutoring services generated 9,961 total student contacts for the academic year.
- Math drop-in visits increased by 16 percent, with 61 percent of students using drop-in services enrolled in Math 111Z, Math 241, or Math 251.
- Individual tutoring appointments increased to 329 in 2023-24, compared to 92 appointments the previous year.
- 199 individual students attended bi-weekly review sessions.

Supplemental Instruction - Class Encore
Using federal and state Strong Start funds, Class Encore expanded existing support by providing additional study groups for students enrolled in Introductory and General Chemistry, General Biology, Business Calculus, and Statistics.
- Peer leaders had 10,632 total contact hours with students enrolled in the free study groups, representing a 14 percent increase compared to 2022-23 academic year.
- Participation by unique students grew by 30 percent, with 2,905 student contacts.
- 42 percent of the contact hours were in support of students enrolled in Introductory and General Chemistry (CH 111, 221-223) and General Biology (BI 211-214).
TAEC also launched a pilot partnership to support students enrolled in Economics 201, 202, and 311, addressing a newly identified space of high student need.
- The pilot served 194 distinct students, representing 6 percent of students participating in all study groups.
Summer Bridge
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TAEC continued its early move-in program, funded by Strong Start, designed to smooth the transition to university life for historically underrepresented students.