Our students will graduate from the University of Oregon having had a positive experience.
They will be well educated, socially responsible and career ready.

Our Goals
The University of Oregon is committed to achieving better and more equitable outcomes for students across our campus.
- Students make successful transition to college life and develop meaningful connections with peers, faculty, and staff.
- Students discover who they are and what their life calling is, through an exceptional, life-changing academic and co-curricular experiences.
- Students graduate on time and enter their post-graduation experience prepared to embark on a successful path in the field of their choosing.
- We eliminate institutional or administrative barriers that prevent students from progressing in their journeys at UO.
Our Work
Student Success initiatives at UO are a comprehensive suite of data-informed and innovative strategies designed to remove institutional barriers and to engage individual students in transformative academic, co-curricular, and professional opportunities.
That work so far includes:
► Expanding nationally recognized scholarship wraparound support programs that assist lower-income, underrepresented minorities and first-generation students.
► Adopting an enterprise advising platform for coordinated support between different campus units
► Expanding first-year experiences available to students just arriving on campus.
► Enhancing academic advising and providing all first-year students early opportunities to meet with advisors.
► Identifying and addressing institutional barriers in curriculum, academic policies and teaching practices that hinder student access and persistence.
► Establishing centralized offices to provide comprehensive advising and support to students exploring undergraduate research and distinguished scholarships.
Student Success becomes institutional priority
UO leaders name student access and success as an institutional priority and set the goal of increasing the four-year undergraduate graduation rate by 10 percent in five years.
PathwayOregon expanded
Launched in 2008, the groundbreaking PathwayOregon program successfully narrowed the graduation gap between low-income in-state students and their higher income counterparts.
In 2015, the program expands by 30 percent, thanks to a generous donor gift, with the hiring of more advisors to provide wraparound support to Pathway students.
New advising technology implemented
The university adopts an enterprise advising technology, EAB Navigate. The tool allows student support staff across different UO divisions to better coordinate and support students.
Continuation grant
The university launches a microgrant program to provide timely financial assistance to students with small outstanding balances in order to support their continuation and on-time graduation.
First-year live-on requirement
The university adopts policy to require first-year students, in most cases, to live in residence halls, based on data that it increases students' campus engagement and their long-term persistence.
Reimagining and expanding academic advising
The university increases academic advising access by adding 23 professional advisor positions and the new Tykeson Hall advising facility. The investment provides a new structure to the UO's advising model, with more full-time dedicated staff.
Our Future
As we emerge from the disruption caused by the pandemic, our Next Generation of Student Success initiative will work to further refine our approach and to provide a more holistic support system for every student at UO through four key goals:
- Improving student retention and timely graduation;
- Providing students transformative experiences on campus;
- Achieving more equitable outcomes;
- Institutionalizing student success.
Current Initiatives
- DucksRise, assisting underserved students with career readiness skills and internship opportunities
- Summer Bridge, providing transitional support for first-year students arriving on campus
- Degree Audit Modernization to help students more easily track their degree progess
- First year mandatory advising
- Student Success Summit
- Academic Success Hub
- Transformative student experience taskforce on career/experiential learning