Thanks to a 2022 innovation grant from the Strada Education Network, UESS launched DucksRISE, a research, career prep, and community building program aimed at BIPOC, First-Gen, and low-income students.

Quick Facts:
- DucksRISE (Research, Internship & Student Engagement) is a cohort-based career readiness program open to students of all class standing and majors who identify as BIPOC, first-generation, and/or low-income.
- It partners with the Portland Internship Experience (PIE) to help find internship placements, with an emphasis on BIPOC-owned businesses, and equity and social justice-focused nonprofits.
- UESS provides Research Fellowship stipends and seed grants for DucksRISE participants to pursue research opportunities with UO faculty mentors.
- DucksRISE aims to help positively impact equity gaps in post-graduation outcomes for underrepresented students.
- A key success of the program has been the community building among students who may not otherwise feel connected or like they are fitting in at UO.

Select Research Fellowship Topics
- "Love Unbound: Incarcerated Black Fathers and the Family Experience"
"Microbiota, Visual System Development, and Neurodevelopmental Disorders"
- "Remote Early Warning Messaging Technology"
"Strategic Ambiguity and Taiwan: Time for a New Policy?"
"The Decline and Revitalization of Native Languages in Mexico"
"Function and Disease Risk of Slow/Fast Myofiber Associated Regions of the Human Genome"
Select Internship Placements

Student Testimonials
"I am so grateful to have been a part of DucksRISE this term. This space has been one of the only times I have felt significantly seen, cared about, and understood at the University of Oregon. DucksRISE has been a supportive environment that has connected me with many opportunities and useful information that I will use going forward."
- Kayley Salgado
"My favorite part about the experience were the speakers that have similar stories to myself in positions that can foster change. This made me feel like my goals are more achievable and within reach if I try hard enough."
- David Lopez-Aparicio
"Many times as a first gen, you are doing everything sort of blindly and I often wonder if I'm doing the right thing or if I'm even good enough. This program eased my worry, it's given me the confidence that I lost a little since starting my higher education journey."
- Feruza Legass