Student Success Summit Schedule for Wednesday, Feb 3


Academic and Career Support in Tykeson Hall: Partnerships to Promote Student Success

Summit Theme(s): Career readiness, Collaboration


  • Paul Timmins, Executive Director, University Career Center
  • Gene Sandan, Director of College and Career Advising, Tykeson College and Career Advising
  • Miranda Atkinson, Associate Director, Tykeson College and Career Advising
  • Dani Amtmann, Assistant Director for Career Readiness, University Career Center

About the session:

The opening of Tykeson Hall created new opportunities to support UO students’ academic and career success. In the new building, the Tykeson College and Career Advising office and the University Career Center aim to provide integrated career and academic support for students as they learn about themselves, make academic choices, secure experiential learning opportunities, connect with prospective employers, and launch their careers.

The Tykeson College and Career Advising office and the University Career Center collaborate closely with each other, with the advising office taking the lead on promoting student career exploration, and the career center focusing on students' career implementation. The two offices support each other through their organizational structures, combined training, and programmatic partnerships. 

During the presentation, the offices’ leaders will discuss building relationships across their units, developing a shared sense of the “why” behind their work, and identifying shared career development benchmarks to align academic and career planning. With just over a year of experience in Tykeson, they will share examples of the work that’s been done to focus on student academic and career outcomes and discuss future initiatives.

Cause for Operation Variations Immediately Determined: The new COVID

Summit Theme(s): Positive experience, COVID


  • Sarah Strickler, Assistant Registrar for Operations: Classroom Scheduling & Curriculum, Office of the Registrar
  • Heather Gustafson, Assistant Registrar for Operations: Registration & Academic History, Office of the Registrar

​​​​​​About the session:

In this presentation, we will review the changes made, both as scheduled improvements and as immediate responses to the need to work and learn remotely. From the perspective of the Office of the Registrar, we will talk about the areas impacted through the term cycle: Schedule creation -> Registration -> Term Actions -> Degree Guide Impacts -> Graduation. 

The Office of the Registrar is working to increase notification and tracking to improve communication with department partners and students. Many industries give ”on-demand” feedback about where a process is, and we tried to find solutions that would more closely mimic this type of communication. For example, major changes used to be a long-term fishing expedition whereas advisors would submit the change and not know if or when it was made, not knowing if the request was even received properly. Now, advisors receive a copy of the submission and receive an update as soon as it is processed, with fewer clicks for staff on the processing end. 

We are looking for other opportunities for similar streamlining, with a new form to streamline degree guide exception requests, and new technology to assist with class schedule building on the near horizon. 

We will share examples of challenges as well as positive impacts that OnBase, Schedule Builder, EMS, and Slate have had as we quickly implemented these changes in reaction to COVID realities. 

Data Woke - An Initiative for Powering Student Success Analysis through Data-as-a-Service

Summit Theme(s): Graduation, Collaboration


  • Leo Howell, Chief Information Security Officer, Information Services
  • Julia Pomerenk, Asst VP University Registrar, Office of the Registrar 
  • Melody Riley, Assoc CIO for App & Middleware, Information Services
  • Sung-Woo Cho, Associate Vice Provost for Academic Data Analytics, Office of the Provost 

​​​​​​About the session:

Data-driven decision-making is critically important for UO to manage and lead effectively in an ever-changing educational landscape, which has been made more complex by COVID-19. Information Services is currently partnering with stakeholders across campus to create a Data-as-a- Service program where the research, academic and administrative strengths of UO are joined to efficiently and effectively support sound data-driven decisions and to extract knowledge, insights and novel ideas from available data, without necessarily knowing what questions to ask. The initial use cases that will serve as the catalysts for launching this program relates to decision analysis relating to student success and cybersecurity. 

The mission of the Data-as-a-Service Program is to continuously gather and manage UO data assets and present them to stakeholders for reporting, data analytics and data science that support UO’s mission on-demand. Efforts will focus on data uniformity, accuracy, stewardship, semantic consistency, security and privacy, accountability, and efficiency and effectiveness. 

Sponsored by the CIO and Vice Provost of Information Services, the development of a Data-as-a- Service Program will support data-driven decision making that furthers the UO academic, research, and administrative objectives, consistent with university policies, state and federal laws. A team has been established and is charged to develop a minimum viable product (MVP) that addresses: 

  • Development of a data dictionary focusing on data relevant to: student success and cybersecurity. 
  • Establishment and maintenance of the official UO shared data assets to support the areas above. 
  • Development of a solution: policies, standards, processes, technology for managing the UO shared data assets relating to the goals above, including consideration for development of a shared data lake to support structured and unstructured data that can be used for reporting, modeling, data analytics and data science around these goals. 
  • Demonstration of the efficacy of the solution with the first use cases relating to student success cybersecurity. 

Class Encore Impact + Integration

Summit Theme(s): Well educated, Collaboration


  • Michael Gwynn, Supplemental Instruction Coordinator, Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center


  • Kathleen Freeman (Faculty CIS)
  • Joseph Goh (Leader in CIS)
  • Ania Grudzien (Leader in Biology)
  • Thomas Meyer (Leader in ACTG)

​​​​​​About the session:

Provide context to Supplemental Instruction support (evidence-based, high impact practice) and its application prerequisites (DFNW rate, large lecture, gateway course). 

Learn the quick history of SI at UO (Class Encore). See how Class Encore addresses the UO success domain areas: positive experience, well educated, and career ready.  

See what students have said about the support and how CE incorporates that support to improve and increase impact of our sessions.  

Hear from CE Leaders and how their sessions have impacted students. 

Examine how Kathleen Freeman has utilized CE and integrated Leader support in her CIS 210 classroom, highlighting F20 remote instruction. 

IntroDUCKtion 2020: Envisioning a new beginning for new Ducks

Summit Theme(s): Positive experience, Collaboration, COVID


  • Cora Bennett, Director, Orientation Programs
  • Katie Hamilton, Acting Assistant Director of Orientation, Orientation Programs

​​​​​​About the session

When world events, and new state and university policy changed the very essence of the orientation and transition work we're charged with, we not only had to think anew, but we needed to inspire campus partners to see our vision for a new normal, and to see new opportunities to help students successfully transition to the UO and maneuver a very complex system. This reinvention of our work created new opportunities for campus collaborations, expanded methods of information delivery, and new emphasis on what matters most --the university's values of research, scholarship, and teaching.

Strengthening Community and Engagement among Student Activist Leaders during a Pandemic


Summit Theme(s): Social responsibility, Collaboration, COVID


  • Karyn Schultz, Administrative Program Assistant, Dean Of Students/Women's Center
  • Fatima Pervaiz, Director, Dean Of Students/Women's Center

​​​​​​About the session

A presentation and discussion for staff and advisers who support student activist leaders. The UO Women’s Center staff will share work structures, meeting parameters and activities that have strengthened internal community and engagement with our ongoing mission. The staff will then moderate a discussion with participants, sharing their most successful community and engagement practices.


  1. A brief description of Women’s Center Staff, and how they interact.
    1. underrepresented marginalized student staff with many intersecting identities.
    2. structure of the student positions:
      1. leadership development
      2. Work-Study.
    3. working as a feminist collective.
  2. Setting the stage: safe, vulnerable spaces
    1. Using a trauma informed, student and survivor centered, intersectional feminist lens.
    2. Community expectations and meeting guidelines based on feminist principles.
    3. Leading with the group - check-ins modeled by returning staff.
    4. What takes the place of the physical "safe space"?
  3. Setting expectations; supporting activists to achieve their goals.
    1. Effective weekly one-on-one meetings with students.
    2. Adjusting expectations in a virtual environment.
  4. Connecting our work back to our mission.
    1. Changing society, ending oppression, supporting personal growth - how does our work support our mission?
  5. Educating our group so we can educate others.
    1. Coordinator education themes.
    2. Integrating office assistants into coordinators' projects.
    3. Foundational work - exploring "what is feminism"?
    4. Agency in choosing what to learn.


  1. What did your students like doing the most this past term?
  2. What supports longevity in your student leader activist groups?
  3. How do you make it "safe" for your students to engage in activism?
  4. What keeps your students engaged, focused, showing up, and doing the work - throughout the term?
  5. What are you looking forward to implementing in upcoming "virtual" terms?
  6. What does "educational" and "foundational" work look like in your organization?

Creating an Inclusive Campus Climate: an Introduction to the Accessibility Ally Program

Summit Theme(s): Positive experience, Equity


  • Katie Wolf, Accommodation Programs Manager, Accessible Education Center
  • Hilary Gerdes, Assistant Vice Provost for Accessibility, Accessible Education Center

​​​​​​About the session:

Disability is an integral facet of our campus diversity. We recognize that academic inquiry flourishes when instructors and advisors value the contributions of students with disabilities. Students with disabilities can often offer perspectives that deepen understanding of complex human experiences and problems, and challenge fundamental assumptions of power and belonging in every academic discipline and field. Yet disability has historically been excluded, ignored, and/or stigmatized in the traditional learning environments of higher education. Many students with apparent and non-apparent disabilities encounter attitudinal, physical, and/or curricular barriers that prevent full participation in and access to our campus environments and can negatively impact student retention and success. 

The Accessible Education Center’s new Accessibility Ally program aims to create a network of partners who are committed to enhancing access and inclusion for students with disabilities at UO. During this workshop, the highlights of this new program will be presented. Participants will consider different frameworks for understanding disability in society, learn about disability experiences within higher education, unpack microaggressions against people with disabilities, explore disabilities identities and intersectionality, and be introduced to concepts of universal and inclusive design. 

Teaching Toward Career Readiness

Summit Theme(s): Career readiness, Collaboration


  • Austin Hocker, Assistant Director for Research and Assessment, Teaching Engagement Program
  • Paul Timmins, Executive Director, University Career Center, Career Center
  • Lee Rumbarger, Assistant Vice Provost, Teaching Engagement Program
  • Laurel Bastian, Faculty Consultant, Teaching Engagement Program

​​​​​​About the session

Supporting our students in developing the competencies to prepare them for successful careers is a vital component of student success. This is especially true with the impact of the COVID pandemic on how faculty and students teach and learn, how workplaces function, and the career opportunities UO graduates face. Students need assignments and occasions designed to help identify, develop, and reflect on career readiness skills. This year, the Career Readiness CAIT (community accelerating the impact of teaching), UO Career Center, and Teaching Engagement Program (TEP) are collaborating to create and share resources to help instructors support student awareness and development of career competencies. 

In this session, we will share the work of the Career Readiness CAIT so far, including teaching resources and tools to help instructors teach toward student career readiness. We will host a discussion of how UO defines Career Readiness and how to make career competencies more visible to students, both in our classes and throughout their UO experience.

What Makes Us Electric: When students do the teaching

Summit Theme(s): Well educated


  • Mark Carrier, Senior Instructor II, Biology
  • Undergraduate student presenters:
    • Josue Martinez Jimenez
    • Julia Lo
    • Julia Wolf
    • Lauren Johnson
    • Melissa MIlbrandt
    • Michelle Hernandez
    • Rima Pandit
    • Trinity Straayer
    • Tysen Lang

​​​​​​About the session

A set of remarkable undergraduates have been generating content videos and leading problem-solving sessions in a course that uses a flipped classroom. These students and the faculty member who works for them will pitch the idea that undergraduate teaching is an under-utilized resource that has great potential for adding to inclusive engagement in large courses. We'll present the case and evidence that flipped classrooms are a productive use of class time, and that people learn more efficiently from those with whom they identify more closely. We'll end with an example of undergraduate teaching on the topic of "what makes us electric". No live eels will be available for this presentation, however.


A Formula for Mentorship: Structuring the student employee experience to help them find value and be successful

Summit Theme(s): Career Readiness


  • Jesse Summers, Interim Executive Communications Manager, University Communications

​​​​​​About the session:

This session will focus on creating a structure for student employees to help them connect with their role, gain autonomy in their work, develop skills, and prepare for their career after graduation. Hear how one student employee supervisor structures the student employee roles, creates opportunities for professional growth, and what student employees find valuable in a mentor-mentee relationship.

UO Core Education: a shared education experience for all students

Summit Theme(s): Well educated, Collaboration


  • Austin Hocker, Assistant Director for Research and Assessment, Teaching Engagement Program
  • Emily Simnitt, Associate Director of Composition, English and Chair, Core Education Council

​​​​​​About the session

An integrated core education experience with transparent student goals prepares students to be effective learners and creates a shared educational experience for all UO students. Over the last few years, the UO has initiated efforts to revitalize the core education curriculum, including updated core education learning goals to provide clarity of purpose for each requirement and clear learning outcomes for students. The UO Senate approved new learning goals for cultural literacy courses as well as for Areas of Inquiry courses, and courses associated with these goals are being approved over the next two years.

The Senate's Core Education Council is charged with convening an ongoing campus dialogue on the purpose, value, assessment, and improvement of the core education at UO. This year we are investigating the current state of Core Education: Which departments offer the most Core Ed courses? Who teaches Core Ed courses? Which learning goals are most often incorporated into these courses? How do students experience Core Ed? When do students take Core Ed courses? How many students transfer in Core Ed credits? Come to our poster to hear what the Core Education Council has learned so far and how we hope to improve core education at UO to support student success. 

What Does the SERU Survey Tell Us About Our Students' Experiences?

Summit Theme(s): Positive experience


  • Claire Matese, Interim Director of Student Success Analytics, Undergraduate Education and Student Success

​​​​​​About the session:

The University of Oregon has administered the Student Experience in the Research University (SERU) survey five times since 2010, but the results have not been broadly discussed on our campus. The survey asks essential questions about students' experiences with and perceptions of academics, research, university climate, personal well-being, and civic, community and global engagement. 

Given that Undergraduate Education and Student Success (UESS) recently incorporated SERU into its Student Success definitions, and the UO is preparing to administer SERU again in Spring 2021, now is a critical time to raise campus awareness about the survey. The poster will share information about survey history and administration, key survey findings, and the upcoming Spring 2021 survey administration.